
My name is
Nopachat Kalayanapan (Nopash).
I am a web developer.

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SME Account

This cloud software was the initial product idea when my partner and I setup our company. It had been halted for 3 years because we didn't have enough capital to invest/risk on a new product. Finally, after 3 years, we got a chance to build this cool software. SME Account is a cloud accounting software. It aims to serve all accounting and law related documents assoicated with Thai law. We try to make the user interface intuitive and simplify accounting task. Without having accounting knowledge, users should be able to handle common accounting tasks with it.

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TECA is for Traffic Enforcement Cameras Alert. I duplicated my previous project (Liquor Map) source code and made a few minor changes (which cut a whole lot of codes actually) to create this one. The website intends to collect all the Traffic Enforcement Cameras locations in Bangkok and publish the collected data via web service. A mobile application will soon come out. It will make use of these data and alert the users when they are driving closed to any traffic enforcement cameras so they won't break the traffic law.

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Liquor Map

Initially, this web demonstrated an application of thai-government-open-data usage. According to the law of selling liquor in Thailand, one may not sell liquor near any academic institutions. On this website, people can check whether they are eligible to sell liquor at a particular location. If the location falls near any institution areas: a given distance from their surrounded fences e.g. 300m, it will display that selling liquor is not allowed at this location. Presently, the project development continues under the support of The Excise Department of Thailand. It will help Excise's officers making decision when an entrepreneur requests for a liquor selling license.

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Condo Trading

Condominium conveyancing fee calculation. There is no good one available in Thailand so I built one. It tells you how much money you need to pay in the conveyancing process at the Department of Lands office when you buy or sell a condominium.

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Guilty and Ped

I love drawing comic although my drawing skill is not that good. I opened a Facebook Fan Page named "Advantures of Guilty and Ped". I did my drawings on my iPad and shared them to this page.

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Sliding Dictionary

I proposed a new design of a dictionary application. I made the UI looked like a chat application. I believed easy accessing the recent searched words helping people remember new vocabularies better. This dictionary is Eng-Eng.

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Many Thais do not know how to buy goods on eBay because of language difficulty. So I created a small web application that people can check the price of their interested goods on eBay by only input their URL. The application returns the price with some markup in Thai Baht. If they are satisfied with the offered price, they can ask me through the application to purchase the good for them.

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I am a general manager at DotArai Co., Ltd. located in Bangkok, Thailand. I received MEng (Computer Science) from Asian Institute of Technology. I am most skilled in web application development and linked data technology. I also love drawing comic and selling stuff online (I was once an eBay PowerSeller.). If you are looking for my official introduction, please refer to my LinkedIn.

You can contact me through to , , or email me at .

© Nopash 2025